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MSMC Cyber Security Team Ties For 1st in CTF

Micro Systems Management is proud to share our cyber security team tied for first place in the April 2021, cyber security Capture the Flag (CTF) event sponsored by Trend Micro.

The Trend Micro Threat Defense Challenge is designed to simulate real world cyber attacks and evaluate participants’ skills to defend a network, perform incident response, and provide information to stakeholders.

We strongly believe that continuous learning and engagement in cyber security challenges that test participants’ ability to defend against real world cyber threats is crucial to training and maintaining an agile, capable, cyber security team.

We extend our thanks to Tech Birmingham and InfraGard Birmingham for running the InfraGard Member Broadcast: 6th Annual CyberNow Summit, and to Tech Birmingham and Trend Micro for creating and hosting the Threat Defense Challenge Capture the Flag (CTF) event.

To learn more about MSM’s Cyber Security services, visit our Cyber Security page on our website or call us at 440-892-9997 to schedule a cyber security consultation.

